r = isin(str,a) verifies is substring 'substr' is in string or cell array of
function r= isin(str,substr)
This function calls:
This function is called by:
- batchdisp BATCHDISP(fl,type) produces a shortened display of file path
- bmech_continuous_stats_ensembler4 bmech_continuous_stats_ensembler4 computes continuous stats based on Bootstrap confidence intervals
- computecolorbars made as stand alone function July 29th 2013
- computecolorbars_old made as stanalone function July 29th 2013
- directorold2 updated by Phil Dixon Oct 2009
- engine_old fl = ENGINE_OLD(varargin) is a file searching algorithm
- getmaxval getmaxval automatically checks all axes for maxdifference between conditons for later graphing
- marker varargout = marker(action,varargin) performs various actions for director
- readcsvVicon r = READCSVVICON(fl)reads csv files generated by the Vicon Nexus
- velocity data = VELOCITY_DATA(data,ch,method) computes velocity of a motion capture
- velocity_data data = VELOCITY_DATA(data,ch,method) computes velocity of a motion capture
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